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Gulf of Cadiz - Further Readings

  • Baldó, F., García-Isarch, E., Jiménez, M.P., Romero, Z., Sánchez-Lamadrid, A., Catalán, I.A., 2006. Spatial and temporal distribution of the early life stages of three commercial fish species in the northeastern shelf of the Gulf of Cádiz. Deep-Sea Res., 53, 1391–1401
  • Baró, J., Serna-Quintero, J.M., Sobrino, I., Jiménez, M.P., Fernández-Salas, L.M., 2004. An approach to the spatial distribution of fishing effort in the Gulf of Cadiz. Thalassas, 20(2), 17-21
  • Batteen, M. L., Martinez, J.R., Bryan, D.W., Buch, E.J., 2000. A modeling study of the coastal eastern boundary current system off Iberia and Morocco, J. Geophys. Res., 105, 14,173 – 14,195, doi:10.1029/2000JC900026.
  • Catalán, I.A., Rubín, J.P., Navarro, G., Prieto, L., 2006a. Larval fish distribution in two different hydrographic situations in the Gulf of Cádiz. Deep-Sea Res., 53, 1377–1390
  • Catalán, I.A., Jiménez, M.T., Alconchel, J.I., Prieto, L., Muñoz, J.L., 2006b. Spatial and temporal changes of coastal demersal assemblages in the Gulf of Cadiz (SW Spain) in relation to environmental conditions. Deep-Sea Res., 53, 1402–1419
  • Criado-Aldeanueva, F., García-Lafuente, J., Vargas, J.M., Del Río, J., Vázquez, A., Reul, A., Sánchez, A., 2006. Distribution and circulation of water masses in the Gulf of Cadiz from in situ observations. Deep-Sea Res., 53, 1144–1160
  • Criado-Aldeanueva, F., García-Lafuente, J., Vargas, J.M., Del Río, J., Sánchez, A., Delgado, J., Sánchez, J.C., 2006b), Wind induced variability of hydrographic features and water masses distribution in the Gulf of Cadiz (SW Iberia) from in situ data, J. Mar. Syst., 63, 130–140
  • Criado-Aldeanueva, F., García-Lafuente, J., Navarro, G., Ruiz, J., 2009. Seasonal and interannual variability of the surface circulation in the eastern Gulf of Cadiz (SW Iberia). J. Geophys. Res., 114, C01011, doi:10.1029/2008JC005069
  • Drake, P., Borlan, A.,, González-Ortegon, E., Baldó, F., Vilas, C., Fernández-Delgado, C., 2007. Spatio-temporal distribution of early life stages of the European anchovy Engraulis encrasicolus L. within a European temperate estuary with regulated freshwater inflow: effects of environmental variables. J. Fish Biol., 70, 1689-1709
  • Faria, A., Morais, P., Chícharo, M.A., 2006. Ichthyoplankton dynamics in the Guadiana estuary and adjacent coastal area, South-East Portugal. Estuar. Coast. Shelf Sci., 70, 85-97
  • Fiuza, A.F.D., de Macedo, M.E., Guerreiro, M.R., 1982. Climatological space and time variation o the Portuguese coastal upwelling. Oceanologica Acta, 5, 31–40
  • Fiuza, A.F.D., 1983. Upwelling patterns off Portugal. In: Suess, E., Thiede, J. (Eds.), Coastal Upwelling. Plenum, New York, pp. 85–98.
  • Folkard, A. M., Davies, P., Fiúza, A. F. G., Ambar, I., 1997. Remotely sensed sea surface thermal patterns in the Gulf of Cádiz and the Strait of Gibraltar: variability, correlations, and relationships with the surface wind field. J. Geophys. Res., 102, 5669-5683
  • Ganzedo, U., Zorita, E., Solari, A.P., Chust, G., Santana del Pino, A., Polanco, J., Castro, J.J., 2009. What drove tuna catches between 1525 and 1756 in southern Europe? ICES J. Mar. Sci., 66(7), 1595-1604
  • García, C. M., Prieto, L., Vargas, M., Echevarría, F., García-Lafuente, J., Ruiz, J., Rubín, J. P., 2002. Hydrodynamics and the spatial distribution of plankton and TEP in the Gulf of Cádiz (SW Iberian Peninsula). J. Plankton Res., 24(8), 817-833
  • García del Hoyo, J.J., Castilla Espino, D., Jiménez Toribio, R., 2004. Determination of technical efficiency of fisheries by stochastic frontier models: a case on the Gulf of Cadiz (Spain). ICES J. Mar. Sci., 61, 416-421
  • García-Isarch, E., Silva, L., García, A., Sobrino, I., 2003. Distribución espacio-temporal de la acedía Dicologlossa cuneata (Moreau, 1881) en aguas de la desembocadura del Guadalquivir (Golfo de Cádiz). Bol. Inst. Español Oceanogr., 19, 493–503
  • García-Lafuente, J., Ruiz, J., 2007. The Gulf of Cádiz pelagic ecosystem: A review. Progr. Oceanogr., 74, 228–251
  • García-Lafuente, J., Delgado, J., Criado-Aldeanueva, F., Bruno, M., Del Río, J., Vargas, J.M., 2006. Water mass circulation on the continental shelf of the Gulf of Cadiz, Deep Sea Res. II, 53, 1182–1197
  • Jiménez, M.P., Sobrino, I., Ramos, F., 1998. Distribution pattern, reproductive biology and fishery of the wedge sole Dicologlossa cuneata in the Gulf of Cádiz, south–west Spain. Mar. Biol., 131, 173–187
  • Jiménez, M.P., Sobrino, I., Ramos, F., 2004. Objective methods for defining mixed-species trawl fisheries in Spanish waters of the Gulf of Cadiz. Fish. Res., 67, 195-206
  • Junta de Andalucía, 2005. Recursos pesqueros del Golfo de Cádiz. Consejería de Agricultura y Pesca. Seville, p.441
  • Machín, F., Pelegrí, J.L., Marrero-Díaz, A., Laiz, I., Ratsimandresy, A.W., 2006. Near-surface circulation in the southern Gulf of Cádiz, Deep Sea Res.II, 53, 1161– 1181
  • Mafalda Junior, P., Pérez de Rubín, J., 2006. Interannual variation of larval fish assemblages in the Gulf of Cádiz (SW Iberian Peninsula) in relation to summer oceanographic conditions. Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology, 49(2), 287-296
  • Millán, M., 1992. Descripción de la pesquería de cerco en la Región Suratlántica Española y Atlántico-Norte Marroquí. Inf. Téc. Inst. Esp. Oceanogr., 136, 1-70
  • Millán, M., 1999. Reproductive characteristics and condition status of anchovy Engraulis encrasicolus L. from the Bay of Cádiz (SW Spain). Fish. Res., 41, 73–86
  • Navarro, G., Ruiz, J., 2006. Spatial and temporal variability of phytoplankton in the Gulf of Cadiz through remote sensing images. Deep-Se Res., 53, 1241-1260
  • Navarro, G., Ruiz, J., García, C.M., Criado-Aldeanueva, F., Huertas, I.E., Echevarría, F., 2006. Basin scale structures governing the position of the deep fluorescence maximum in the Gulf of Cadiz. Deep-Sea Res.II, 53,1261–1281.
  • Ochoa, J., Bray, N.A., 1991. Water masses exchange in the Gulf of Cadiz, Deep Sea Res., 38, suppl. 1, S465– S503
  • Peliz, A. J., Fiúza, A.F.G., 1999. Temporal and spatial variability of CZCS-derived phytoplankton pigment concentration off the western Iberian Peninsula, Int. J. Remote Sens., 20(7), 1363– 1403
  • Peliz, A. J., Dubert, J., Marchesiello, P., Teles-Machado, A., 2007. Surface circulation in the Gulf of Cadiz: Model and mean flow structure. J. Geophys. Res., 112, C11015, doi:10.1029/2007JC004159
  • Peliz, A., Marchesiello, P., Santos, A.M.P., Dubert, J., Teles-Machado, A., Marta-Almeida, M., Le Cann, B., 2009. Surface circulation in the Gulf of Cadiz: 2. Inflow-outflow coupling and the Gulf of Cadiz slope current. J. Geophys. Res., 114, C03011, doi:10.1029/2008JC004771
  • Piniella, F., Soriguer, M.C., Fernández-Engo, M.A., 2007. Artisanal fishing in Andalusia: A statistical study of the fleet. Mar. Policy, 31, 573-581
  • Prieto, L., Navarro, G., Rodríguez-Gálvez, S., Huertas, I.E., Naranjo, J.M., Ruiz, J., 2009. Oceanographic and meteorological forcing of the pelagic ecosystem on the Gulf of Cadiz shelf (SW Iberian Peninsula). Continental Shelf Res., 29, 2122–2137
  • Rodríguez-Roda, J., 1964. Biologia del atún, Thunnus thynnus (L.), de la costa sudantlantica de España. Inv. Pesq., 25, 33-146
  • Rodríguez-Roda, J., 1970. La sardina, Sardina pilchardus (Walb.), del Golfo de Cádiz. Invest. Pesq., 34(2), 451–476
  • Rodríguez-Roda, J., 1977. El boquerón, Engraulis encrasicolus (L.), del Golfo de Cádiz. Invest. Pesq. 41(2), 523–542
  • Rubín, J. P., Cano, N., Arrate, P., García, J., Escánez, J., Vargas, M., Hernández, F., 1997. El ictioplancton, el mesozooplancton y el medio marino en el Golfo de Cádiz, Estrecho de Gibraltar y sector noroeste del Mar de Alborán, en julio de 1994. Inf. Téc. Inst. Esp. Oceanogr., 167, 1-48.
  • Rubín, J. P., Cano, N., Prieto, L., García, C., Ruiz, J., Echevarría, F., Corzo, A., Gálvez, J. A., Lozano, F., Alonso-Santos, J. C., Escánez, J., Juárez, A., Zabala, L., Hernández, F., García Lafuente, J., Vargas, M., 1999. La estructura del ecosistema pelágico en relación con las condiciones oceanográficas y topográficas en el Golfo de Cádiz, Estrecho de Gibraltar y Mar de Alborán (sector noroeste), en julio de 1995. Inf. Téc. Inst. Esp. Oceanogr., 175, 1-73
  • Ruiz, J., García-Isarch, E., Huertas, I.E., Prieto L., Juárez, A., Muñoz J.L., Sánchez-Lamadrid, A., Rodríguez, S., Naranjo, J.M. and Baldó, F., 2006. Meteorological forcing and ocean dynamics controlling Engraulis encrasicolus early life stages and catches in the Gulf of Cádiz. Deep-Sea Res., 53, 1363-1376
  • Ruiz, J., González-Quirós, R., Prieto, L., Navarro, G., 2009. A Bayesian model for anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus): the combined forcing of man and environment. Fish. Oceanogr., 18(1), 62-76
  • Sánchez, R.F., Mason, E., Relvas, P., da Silva, A.J., Peliz, A., 2006. On the inner-shelf circulation in the northern Gulf of Cádiz, southern Portuguese shelf. Deep-Sea Res., 53, 1198–1218
  • Santos, A.M.P., Kazmin, A.S., Peliz, A., 2005. Decadal changes in the Canary upwelling system as revealed by satellite observations: Their impact on productivity. J. Mar. Res., 63, 359–379
  • Silva, A., Santos, M.B., Caneco, B., Pestana, G., Porteiro, C., Carrera, P., Stratoudakis, Y., 2006. Temporal and geographic variability of sardine maturity at length in the northeastern Atlantic and the western Mediterranean. ICES J. Mar. Sci., 63, 663-676
  • Silva, L., Gil, J., Sobrino, I., 2002. Definition of fleet components in the Spanish artisanal fishery of the Gulf of Cadiz (SW Spain ICES division IXa). Fish. Res., 59(1-2), 117-128
  • Silva, L., García-Isarch, E., Sobrino, I., García, A., 2003. Distribución espacio-temporal del langostino Melicertus kerathurus (Forsköl, 1775) en la desembocadura del río Guadalquivir (golfo de Cádiz, suroeste de la península Ibérica). Bol. Inst. Esp. Oceanogr., 19(1-4), 41-47
  • Sobrino, I., Jiménez, M.P., Ramos, F., Baro, J., 1994. Descripción de las pesquerías demersales de la región suratlántica española. Inf. Téc. Inst. Esp. Oceanogr., 151, 1-79
  • Sobrino, I., Juárez, A., Rey, J., Romero, Z., Baró, J., 2011. Description of the clay pot fishery in the Gulf of Cadiz (SW Spain) for Octopus vulgaris: Selectivity and exploitation pattern. Fish. Res, 108, 283-290
  • Stevenson, R.E., 1977. Huelva front and Malaga, Spain, eddy chain as defined by satellite and oceanographic data. Deutsche Hydrographische Zeitschrift, 30 (2), 51–53
  • Teles-Machado, A., Peliz, A., Dubert, J., Sanchez, R., 2007. On the onset of the Gulf of Cadiz coastal countercurrent, Geophys. Res. Lett., 34, L12601, doi:10.1029/2007GL030091
  • Vargas, J.M., García-Lafuente, J., Delgado, J., Criado, F., 2003. Seasonal and wind induced variability of sea surface temperature patterns in the Gulf of Cádiz. J. Mar. Systems, 38, 205–219
  • Vila, Y., Silva, L., Torres, M.A., Sobrino, I., 2010. Fishery, distribution pattern and biological aspects of the common European squid Loligo vulgaris in the Gulf of Cadiz. Fish. Res. 106, 222-228