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Catalan Sea (Southern) - Further Readings

  • Additional information can be found on line in several research institutes, governmental agencies and non governmental organizations :
  • Abad, R. and A. Giraldez. 1990. Concentrations de Capros aper dans la Mer d’Alboran (Mediterranée Espagnole). Rapports et Process-Verbaux des Reunions du la Commission Internationale Pour l’Exploration Scientique de la Mer Méditerranée, 32(1): 256.
  • Abdulla, A., Gomei, M., Hyrenbach, D. 2009. Challenges facing a network of representative marine protected areas in the Mediterranean: prioritizing the protection of underrepresented habitats. ICES Journal of Marine Science 66, 22 - 28.
  • Abdul Malak, D., Livingstone, S.R., Pollard, D., Polidoro, B.A., Cuttelod, A., Bariche, M., Bilecenoglu, M., Carpenter, K.E., Collette, B.B., Francour, P., Goren, M., Kara, M.H., Massutí, E., Papaconstantinou, C., Tunesi, L., 2011. Overview of the Conservation Status of the Marine Fishes of the Mediterranean Sea. IUCN. vii + 61pp., Gland, Switzerland and Malaga, Spain.
  • Abelló, P., J. M. Arcos and L. Gil de Sola. 2003. Geographical patterns of attendance to trawling by breeding seabirds along the Iberian Peninsula Mediterranean Coasts. Scientia Marina: 67 (Suppl. 2): 69-75.
  • Agostini, V. and A. Bakun. 2002. “Ocean triads” in the Mediterranean Sea: physical mechanisms potentially structuring reproductive habitat suitability (with example application to European anchovy, Engraulis encrasiclous). Fisheries Oceanography, 11(3): 129-142.
  • Aldebert, Y. and Recasens, L. 1996. Comparison of methods for stock assessment of European hake Merluccius merluccius in the gulf of Lion (Northwestern Mediterranean). Aquatic Living Resources, 9: 13-22
  • Arcos J., and D. Oro. 2002. Significance of nocturnal purse seine fisheries for seabirds: a case study off the Ebro Delta (NW Mediterranean). Marine Biology (2002) 141: 277–286.
  • Bas, C., E. Macpherson and F. Sardà. 1985. Fishes and fishermen. The exploitable trophic levels. In: Western Mediterranean (R. Margalef, ed.). Pergamon Press: 296-316.
  • Bas, C., F. Maynou, F. Sardà and J. Lleonart. 2003. Variacions demogràfiques a les poblacions d’espècies demersals explotades: els darrers quaranta anys a Blanes i Barcelona. Institut d’Estudis Catalans, Sec. Ciènc. Biol., 135: 202 pp.
  • Bethoux, J.P., B. Gentili, J. Raunet and D. Tailliez. 1990. Warming trend in the western Mediterranean deep water. Nature, 347: 660-662.
  • Buecher, E. 1999. Appearance of Chelophyes appendiculata and Abylopsis tetragona (Cnidaria, Siphonophora) in the Bay of Villefranche, northwestern Mediterranean. Journal of Sea Research, 41(4): 295-307.
  • Caddy, J. F., and Bakun, A. 1994. A tentative classification of coastal marine ecosystems based on dominant processes of nutrient supply. Ocean and Coastal Management, 23: 201–211
  • Caddy, J., 1997. Regional reviews: Mediterranean and Black Sea. In: Review of the state of world fishery resources: marine fisheries. FAO Fisheries Circular 920: 44–52.
  • CIESM. 1999. Precautionary approach to local fisheries in the Mediterranean Sea Vol., CIESM Workshop Series, Kerkenna Island (Tunisia).
  • CIESM. 2000. Fishing down the Mediterranean food webs?, Vol., Kerkyra, 26–30 July 2000.
  • CIESM (2008) Climate warming and related changes in Mediterranean marine biota, Vol., CIESM Workshop Monographs, Monaco.
  • Cochrane, K., de Young, C. 2008. Ecosystem approach to fisheries management in the Mediterranean. United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization. Options Mediterranean Series 62, 71-85.
  • Coll, M.; Cury, P.; Azzurro, E.; Bariche, M.; Bayadas, G.; Bellido, J.M.; Chaboud, C.; Claudet, J.; El-Sayed, A.; Gascuel, D.; Knittweis, L.; Pipitone, C.; Samuel-Rhoads, Y.; Taleb, S.; Tudela, S.; Valls, A.; Participants, W. The scientific strategy needed to promote a regional ecosystem-based approach to fisheries in the Mediterranean and Black Seas. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries. 10.1007/s11160-013-9305-y; 2013.
  • Coll, M., L. J. Shannon, C. L. Moloney, I. Palomera and S. Tudela. 2006a. Comparing trophic flows and fishing impacts of a NW Mediterranean ecosystem with coastal upwellings by means of standardized ecological models and indicators. Ecological Modelling, 198: 53-70.
  • Coll, M., I. Palomera, S. Tudela and F. Sardà. 2006b. Trophic flows, ecosystem structure and fishing impacts in the South Catalan Sea, Northwestern Mediterranean. Journal of Marine Systems, 59: 63-96.
  • Coll, M., Palomera, I., Tudela, S., Dowd, M., 2008. Food-web dynamics in the South Catalan Sea ecosystem (NW Mediterranean) for 1978-2003. Ecological Modelling 217, 95-116.
  • Coll, M., Palomera, I., Tudela, S., 2009. Decadal changes in a NW Mediterranean Sea food web in relation to fishing exploitation. Ecological Modelling 220, 2088-2102.
  • Coll, M., Piroddi, C., Kaschner, K., Ben Rais Lasram, F., Steenbeek, J., Aguzzi, J., Ballesteros, E., Nike Bianchi, C., Corbera, J., Dailianis, T., Danovaro, R., Estrada, M., Froglia, C., Galil, B.S., Gasol, J.M., Gertwagen, R., Gil, J., Guilhaumon, F., Kesner-Reyes, K., Kitsos, M.-S., Koukouras, A., Lampadariou, N., Laxamana, E., López-Fé de la Cuadra, C.M., Lotze, H.K., Martin, D., Mouillot, D., Oro, D., Raicevich, S., Rius-Barile, J., Saiz-Salinas, J.I., San Vicente, C., Somot, S., Templado, J., Turon, X., Vafidis, D., Villanueva, R., Voultsiadou, E., 2010. The biodiversity of the Mediterranean Sea: estimates, patterns and threats. PLoS ONE 5, doi:10.1371.
  • Coll, M., Piroddi, C., Albouy, C., Ben Rais Lasram, F., Cheung, W., Christensen, V., Karpouzi, V., Le Loc, F., Mouillot, D., Paleczny, M., Palomares, M.L., Steenbeek, J., Trujillo, P., Watson, R., Pauly, D. 2011. The Mediterranean Sea under siege: spatial overlap between marine biodiversity, cumulative threats and marine reserves. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 21:465-480.
  • Coll M, Libralato S. 2012. Contributions of food-web modelling for an Ecosystem Approach of Marine Resource Management in the Mediterranean Sea. Fish and Fisheries, 13:60-88.
  • Cutting, C. 1956. Fish Saving. A History of Fish Processing From Ancient to Modern Times. New York: Philosophical Library.
  • Daskalov GM, Grishin AN, Rodionov S, Mihneva V. 2007. Trophic cascades triggered by overfishing reveal possible mechanisms of ecosystem regime shifts. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 104(25): 10518-10523.
  • De Leiva Moreno, J. I., V. N. Agostini, J. F. Caddy and F. Carocci. 2000. Is the pelagic-demersal ratio from fishery landings a useful proxy for nutrients availability? A preliminary data exploration for the semi-enclosed seas around Europe. ICES Journal of Marine Sciences, 57: 1091-1102.
  • Estrada, M. 1996. Primary production in the Northwestern Mediterranean. Scientia Marina, 60(Supl.2): 55-64.
  • EU. 2001. Towards Holistic Fisheries Management: A Mediterranean Perspective, vol., workshop held in Heraklion Crete 27-29 March 2001 under the auspices of the European Union. Accompanying Measures programme, Contract No. Q5AM-2000-00002.
  • Farrugio, H., Oliver, P. and Biagi, F., 1993. An overview of the history, knowledge, recent and future research trends in the Mediterranean fisheries. Scientia Marina, 57(2-3): 105-119.
  • Florido, D. 2004. The Bio-economic Crisis of “Almadraba” (Tuna Trap-net) Fishing from the 14th to the 19th Centuries: Economic, Social, Political and Ideological Factors. HMAP-Mediterranean workshop (Barcelona, 20-23 September 2004).
  • Font, J., J. Salat and J. Tintoré. 1988. Permanent features of the circulation in the Catalan Sea. Oceanologica Acta, SP: 51-57.
  • Forcada, J., Gazo, M., Aguilar, A., Gonzalvo, J., Fernández-Contreras, M. 2004. Bottlenose dolphin abundance in the NW Mediterranean: addressing heterogeneity in distribution. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 275: 275–287.
  • Fraschetti, S., Terlizzi, A., Micheli, F., Benedetti-Cecchi, L., Boero, F. 2002. Marine protected areas in the Mediterranean Sea: objectives, effectiveness and monitoring. Marine Ecology 23, 190-200
  • GFCM. 2007. Report of the Transversal Workshop on Marine Protected Areas (MPASs) (GFCM and RAC/SPA), Salammbô, Tunisia, 24 and 25 May 2007. GFCM/SAC 10/2007/Inf.15., Vol.
  • Gomez de Segura, A., Grespo, E.A., Pedraza, S.N., Hammond, P.S., Raga. J.A. 2006a. Abundance of small cetaceans in waters of the central Spanish Mediterranean. Marine Biology, 150:149–160.
  • Gomez de Segura A., Tomas J., Pedraza S.N., Crespo E.A., Raga J.A. 2006b. Abundance and distribution of the endangered loggerhead turtle in Spanish Mediterranean waters and the conservation implications. Animal Conservation 9: 199–206
  • Goñi, R., Polunin, N.V.C., Planes, S. 2000. The Mediterranean: marine protected areas and the recovery of a large marine ecosystem. Environmental Conservation 27, 95-97
  • Groombridge, B. 1990. Marine turtles in the Mediterranean: distribution, population status, conservation. European Council, Nature and environment series, nº 48. Strasbourg, France.
  • IUCN. 2007. Guide for the Sustainable Development of Mediterranean Aquaculture. Interaction between Aquaculture and the Environment, Vol., Gland, Switzerland and Malaga, Spain.
  • Libralato, S., M. Coll, S. Tudela, I. Palomera and F. Pranovi. 2007. A novel index to quantify ecosystem impacts of fisheries as the removal of secondary production. Marine Ecology Progress Series, accepted.
  • Lloret, J. and J. Lleonart. 2002. Recruitment dynamics of eight fishery species in the Northwestern Mediterranean Sea. Scientia Marina, 66(1): 77-82.
  • Lloret, J., J. Lleonart, I. Solé and J.M. Fromentin. 2001. Fluctuations of landings and environmental conditions in Northwest Mediterranean Sea. Fisheries Oceanography, 10(1):33-50.
  • Lloret, J., I. Palomera, J. Salat and I. Sole. 2004. Impact of freshwater input and wind on landings of anchovy (Engraulis encrasiclous) and sardine (Sardina pilchardus) in shelf waters surrounding the Ebro River delta (northwestern Mediterranean). Fisheries Oceanography, 13 (2): 102-110.
  • Mackenzie, B. R., Mosegaard, H. & Rosenberg, A. A. 2009. Impending collapse of bluefin tuna in the northeast Atlantic and Mediterranean. Conservation Letters, 2, 26-35.
  • Margalef, R. 1985. Introduction to the Mediterranean. In. Margalef, R. (Ed.). Key Environments: Western Mediterranean. Pergamon Press. New York. 362 pp.
  • Monestiez, P., Dubroca, L. Bonnin, E., Durbec J.-P., Guinet C. in press. Geostatistical modelling of spatial distribution of Balaenoptera physalus in the Northwestern Mediterranean Sea from sparse count data and heterogeneous observation efforts. Ecological modelling.
  • Mouillot, D., Albouy, C., Guilhaumon, F., Ben Rais Lasram, F., Coll, M., DeVictor, V., Douzery, E., Meynard, C., Pauly, D., Troussellier, M., Velez, L., Watson, R., Mouquet, N., 2011. Protected and threatened components of fish biodiversity in the Mediterranean Sea. Current Biology 21, 1044-1050.
  • Oro, D. and X. Ruíz. 1997. Exploitation of trawler discards by breeding seabirds in the north-western Mediterranean: differences between the Ebro Delta and the Balearic Islands areas. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 54: 695-707.
  • Oro, D., X. Ruíz, L. Jover, V. Pedrocchi and J. González-Solís. 1997. Diet and adult time budget of Audouin's Gull Larus audouinii in response to changes in commercial fisheries. Ibis, 139: 631-637.
  • Pagès, F. 2003. Està augmentant la freqüència d’aparició de meduses a les nostres costes? L’aigua i el medi: cicle de conferències. Publicacions de la Presidència 11. Institut d’Estudis Catalans. 351 pp.
  • Palomera, I. 1992. Spawning of anchovy Engraulis encrasicolus in the northwestern Mediterranean relative to hydrographic features in the region. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 79(3): 215-223.
  • Palomera, I., M. P. Olivar, J. Salat, A. Sabatés, M. Coll, A. García and B. Morales-Nin. 2007a. Role of Small Pelagic Fish in the NW Mediterranean Ecosystems. Progress in Oceanography, 74: 377-396.
  • Papaconstantinou, C. and H. Farrugio 2000. Fisheries in the Mediterranean. Mediterranean Marine Science, 1(1): 5-18.
  • Pavasovic, A. 1996. The Mediterranean Action Plan phase II and the revised Barcelona Convention: new prospective for integrated coastal management in the Mediterranean region. Ocean and Coastal Management 31, 133-182.
  • Pinnegar, J.K., Polunin, N.V.C., Badalamenti, F. 2003. Long-term changes in the trophic level of western Mediterranean fishery and aquaculture landings. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 60, 222-235
  • Pipitone, C., F. Badalamenti, G. D’Anna and B. Patti. 2000. Fish biomasa increase alter a four-year trawl ban in the Gula of Castellamare (NW Sicily, Mediterranean Sea). Fisheries Research, 48: 23-30.
  • Sabatés, A and M. P. Olivar. 1996. Variation of larval fish distributions associated with variability in the location of a shelf-slope front. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 135(1-3): 11-20.
  • Sabatés, A., Martín P., Lloret J. and Raya V. 2006. Sea warming and fish distribution: the case of the small pelagic fish, Sardinella aurita, in the western Mediterranean. Global Change Biology (2006) 12, 2209–2219.
  • Salat, J. 1996. Review of hydrographic environmental factors that may influence anchovy habitats in Northwestern Mediterranean. Scientia Marina, 60 (2): 21-32.
  • Salat, J. and J. Pascual. 2002. The oceanographic and meteorological station at l’Estartit (NW Mediterranean). In. CIESM 2002. Traching long-term hydrological change in the Mediterranean Sea. CIESM Workshop Series, nº 16: 134 pp. Monaco.
  • Sánchez, P, M. Demestre and P. Martín. 2004. Characterisation of the discards generated by bottom trawling in the northwestern Mediterranean. Fisheries Research, 67: 71-80.
  • Sardà, F. 1998. Symptoms of overexploitation in the stock of the Norway lobster (Nephrops norvegicus). On the “Serola Bank” (Western Mediterranean Sea off Barcelona). Scientia Marina, 62(3): 295-299.
  • Stergiou, K.I., Tsikliras, A.C., Pauly, D. 2009. Farming up Mediterranean Food Webs. Conservation Biology 23, 230-232
  • Tudela, S., 2004. Ecosystem effects of fishing in the Mediterranean: An analysis of the major threats of fishing gear and practices to biodiversity and marine habitats. General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean (FAO). Studies and Reviews, 74. 58 pp.
  • Tudela, S., M. Coll and I. Palomera. 2005. Developing an operational reference framework for fisheries management on the basis of a two-dimensional index of ecosystem overfishing. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 62(3): 585-591.
  • UNEP. 2009. Implementing the Ecosystem Approach in the Mediterranean. MEDwaves, the magazine of the Mediterranean Action Plan 58, 1-20
  • Zotier, R., V. Bretagnolle and J-C. Thibault. 1999. Biogeography of the marine birds of a confined sea, the Mediterranean. Journal of Biogeography, 26: 297-313.
  • WWF/IUCN. 2004. The Mediterranean deep-ses ecosystems: an overview of their diversity, structure, functioning and anthropogenic impacts, with a proposal for conservation, Vol., IUCN, Malaga and WWF Rome.