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Portuguese EEZ - Further Readings

  • arton, E.D, 1998. Eastern boundary of the North Atlantic : Northwest Africa and Iberia coastal segment. In: The Sea (Ed. By A.R. Robinson & K.H. Brink). Pp 633-658. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
  • Borges, M. F., Santos, A. M. P., Crato, N., Mendes, H., Mota, B. 2003. Sardine regime shifts off Portugal: a time series analysis of catches and wind conditions. In Fish Stock Assessments and predictions: Integrating Relevant knowledge ( editors O. Ulltang and G. Blom) Scientia Marina Volume 67, Suplement 1, April 2003.
  • Brander, K. M., Blom, G., Borges, M. F., Erzini, K., Hendersen, G., MacKenzie, B. R., Mendes, H., Santos, A. M. P., and Toresen, R. 2003. Changes in fish distribution in the Eastern North Atlantic; are we seeing a coherent response to changing temperature?. ICES Marine Science Symposia 219:261–270.
  • Cabral, H. N. and Murta, A.G. 2002. The diet of blue whiting, hake, horse mackerel and mackerel off Portugal. Journal of Applied Ichtyology. 18:14-23.
  • Dickson, R. R., Kelly, P. M., Colebrook, J. M., Wooster, W. S., Cushing, D. H. 1988. North winds and production in the eastern North Atlantic. J. Plankton Res., 10, 1, 151-169.
  • Fiúza, A. F. G., de Macedo, M. E. and Guerreiro, M. R. 1982. Climatological space and time variation of the portuguese coastal upwelling. Oceanologica Acta, 5: 31-40.
  • Frouin, R., A. F. G. Fiúza, I. Ambar and T. J. Boyd. 1990. Observations of a poleward surface current off the coasts of Portugal and Spain during winter. J. Geophys. Res., 95: 679–691.
  • Gomes, M., Serrâo, E., Borges, M.F. 2001. Spatial patterns of groundfish assemblages on the continental shelf of Portugal. ICES Journal of Marine Science. Vol 58, No 3, 633-647.
  • ICES, 2007. Report of the ICES/GLOBEC Workshop on Long-Term Variability in SW Europe. (WKLTVSWE). 13-16 February 2007 Lisbon, Portugal.
  • Mason, E., Coombs, S., Oliveira, P., Angélico, M.M., Stratoudakis, Y., 2006- An overview of the literature concerning the oceanography of the eastern North Atlantic region. Relat. Cient.Téc. Inst. Invest. Pescas Mar. Série Cooperação, 51pp.
  • OSPAR, C. 2000. Quality Status Report 2000. Region IV - Bay of Biscay and Iberian Coast. OSPAR Commission, London, 134 pp.
  • Peliz, A., Rosa, T. L., Santos, A. M.P., Pissarra, J. L. 2002. Fronts, jets, and counter-flows in the Western Iberian upwelling system. Journal of Marine Systems, 35, 1-2, 61-77.
  • Peliz, A., Dubert, J., Haidvogel, D. B. 2003a. Subinertial Response of a Density-Driven Eastern Boundary Poleward Current to Wind Forcing. J. Phys. Oceanogr. Vol. 33, no. 8, pp. 1633-1650. Aug 2003.
  • Santos, A. M. P., Peliz, Á., Dubert, J., Oliveira, P. B., Angélico, M. M., Ré, P. 2004. Impact of a winter upwelling event on the distribution and transport of sardine (Sardina pilchardus) eggs and larvae off Western Iberia: a retention mechanism. Continental Shelf Research, 24 (2):149-165.
  • Sousa, P.; Azevedo, M. and Gomes, M.C. (2006). Species-richness patterns in space, depth, and time (1989-1999) of the Portuguese fauna sampled by bottom trawl. Aquatic Living Resources Journal, 10 (2): 93-103.
  • Sousa, P., Azevedo, M., Gomes, M. C., 2005. Demersal assemblages off Portugal: Mapping, seasonal, and temporal patterns. Fisheries Research 75 (2005) 120-137.
  • Silva, A. 1999b. Feeding habits of john dory, Zeus faber, off the Portuguese continental coast. J. Mar. Biol. Assoc. U.K., 79:333-340.
  • Silva, M. A. 1999a. Diet of common dolphins, Delphinus delphis, off the Portuguese continental coast. J. Mar. Biol. Ass. U.K., 79: 531-540.