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Humboldt (Northern) - Further Readings

  • Alheit, J. and Niquen, M. (2004) Regime shifts in the Humboldt Current Ecosystem. Prog. Oceanogr. 60: 201-222.
  • Arias-Schreiber, M. (1996). Informe sobre el estado de conocimiento y conservación de los mamíferos marinos en el Perú. Informe Progresivo IMARPE, Nº 38, 3-30.
  • Arguelles, J., Tafur, R., Taipe, A., Villegas, P., Keyl, F., Dominguez, N., Salazar, M., 2008. Size increment of Jumbo flying squid Dosidicus gigas mature females in Peruvian waters, 1989-2004. Progress in Oceanography 79, 308–312.
  • Arntz, W. and Fahrbach, E. (1996). El Niño: Experimento climático de la naturaleza. Sección de Obras de Ciencia y Tecnología. Fondo de Cultura Económica. México. 312 p.
  • Ayón P., Swartzman G., Espinoza P., Bertrand A. 2011. Long term changes in zooplankton size distribution in the Peruvian Humboldt Current System: Conditions favouring sardine or anchovy. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 422: 211–222.
  • Bakun, A. and Parrish, R. (1982). Turbulence, transport, and fish in California and Peru currents. Calcofi Rep. Vol. xxiii. 99-112.
  • Bakun, A. (1996). Patterns in the ocean: ocean processes and marine population dynamics. California Sea Grant College Sys/NOAA/CIBNOR. 323 p.
  • Ballón M., Bertrand A., Lebourges-Dhaussy A., Gutiérrez M., Ayón P., Grados D., Gerlotto F. 2011. Is there enough zooplankton to feed forage fish population off Peru? An acoustic (positive) answer. Progress in Oceanography, 91: 360-381.
  • Ballón, M., Wosnitza-Mendo, C., Guevara-Carrasco, R. and Bertrand, A. 2008. The impact of overfishing and El Niño on the condition factor and reproductive success of Peruvian hake, Merluccius gayi peruanus. Progress in Oceanography, 79:300-307.
  • Bello, R., Arias-Schreiber, M. and Sanchez, R. (1998). Distribución y abundancia relativa de cetáceos durante el crucero de BIC Humboldt 9709-10, de Matarani a Paita. Informe Instituto del Mar del Perú, Nº 130, 78-85, Febrero 1998.
  • Bertrand, A., Segura, M. Gutierrez, M. and Vásquez, L. (2004). From small-scale habitat loopholes to decadal cycles: a habitat-based hypothesis explaining fluctuation in pelagic fish populations off Peru. Fish and Fisheries. 5, 296–316.
  • Bertrand A., Chaigneau A., Peraltilla S., Ledesma J., Graco M., Monetti F., Chavez F.P. 2011. Oxygen, a fundamental property regulating pelagic ecosystem structure in the coastal southeastern tropical Pacific. PLoS ONE 6(12): e29558.
  • Bertrand, S., Dewitte, B., Purca, S. and Bertrand A. 2008. Impacts of Kelvin wave forcing in the Peru Humboldt Current system: Scenarios of spatial reorganizations from physics to fishers. Progress in Oceanography.
  • Bertrand, S., Joo, R., Arbulu Smet, C., Tremblay, Y., Barbraud, C., & Weimerskirch, H. (2012). Local depletion by a fishery can affect seabird foraging. Journal of Applied Ecology, 49(5), 1168-1177.
  • Chavez, F., Barber, R. and Sanderson, M. (1989). The potential primary production of the Peruvian upwelling ecosystem: 1953-1984, p. 50-63. In D. Pauly, P. Muck, J. Mendo and I. Tsukayama (Eds.). The Peruvian upwelling ecosystem: dynamics and interactions. ICLARM Conference proceedings 18, 438p.
  • Chavez, F., Ryan, J., Lluch-Cota, S. and Ñiquen, M. (2003). From anchovies to sardines and back: multidecal change in the Pacific Ocean. Science. 299, 217-221.
  • Chávez, F., A. Bertrand, R. Guevara, P. Soler, J. Csirke. (2008). The northern Humboldt Current System: Brief history, present status and a view towards the future. Progress in Oceanography 79:95–105.
  • Chavez, F. P., Messié, M.,  Pennington, J. T. (2011). Marine primary production in relation to climate variability and change. Annual Review of Marine Science, 3, 227-260.
  • Chávez, F., M. Niquen, J. Csirke, A. Bertrand, C. Wostnitza and R. Guevara-Carrasco. 2009. Fifth International Panel on the Anchoveta: towards an ecosystem approach to fisheries. Globec Int. Newsletter. 15:14-15.
  • Clark, W. (1976). The lessons of the Peruvian anchoveta fishery. California cooperative oceanic fisheries investigations, Reports Vol. XIX. 57-63.
  • Csirke, J. (1989). Changes in the catchability coefficient in the Peruvian anchoveta (Engraulis ringens) fishery, p. 207-219. In D. Pauly, P. Muck, J. Mendo and I. Tsukayama (Eds.). The Peruvian upwelling ecosystem: dynamics and interactions. ICLARM Conference proceedings 18, 438p.
  • Espino, M., Castillo, R. and Fernandez, Fl. (1995). Biology and fisheries of Peruvian hake (M. gayi peruanus), p. 339-363. In: Alheit, J. and Pitcher, T. (Eds.) Hake: Biology, fisheries and markets. Chapman and Hall. 469p.
  • Espinoza, P., Bertrand, A., 2008. Revisiting Peruvian anchovy (Engraulis ringens) trophodynamics provides a new vision of the Humboldt Current system. Progress in Oceanography, 79: 215-227.
  • Espinoza P., Bertrand A., van der Lingen C.D., Garrido S., Rojas de Mendiola B. 2009. Diet of sardine (Sardinops sagax) in the northern Humboldt Current system and comparison with the diets of clupeoids in this and other eastern boundary upwelling systems. Progress in Oceanography, 83: 242–250.
  • Estrella, C., G. Swartzman. 2010. The Peruvian artisanal fishery: Changes in patterns and distribution over time. Fisheries Research. 101:133–145.
  • FAO (2005). Review of the state of world marine fishery resources. FAO Fisheries Technical Paper. No. 457. Rome, FAO. 2005. 235p.
  • Fréon, P., M. Bouchon, Ch. Mullon, Ch. García, M. Ñiquen. (2008). Interdecadal variability of anchoveta abundance and overcapacity of the fishery in Peru. Progress in Oceanography 79:401–412.
  • Fréon, P., S. Bertrand, M. Bouchon, M. Ñiquen. (2008). Adaptive management in pelagic fisheries. Fact Sheet 9. EUR-OCEANS.
  • García-Godos, I. (2003). Sperm whale (Physeter macrocephalus) occurrence off Peru, 1995 – 2002. 55th Meeting of the Scientific Committee of the International Whaling Commission. Berlin, Germany. Document SC/55/O11. 11p.
  • Guevara-Carrasco, R., Lleonart, J., In press. Dynamics and Fishery of the Peruvian hake: between the nature and the man. Journal of Marine Systems.
  • Gutiérrez, D., Sifeddine, A., Field, D., Ortlieb, L., Vargas, G., Chávez, F., Velazco, F., Ferreira, V., Tapia, P., Salvatteci, R., Boucher, H., Morales, M., Valdés, J., Reyss, J.-L., Campusano, A., Boussafir, M., Mandeng-Yogo, M., García, M. & Baumgartner, T. 2009. Rapid reorganization in ocean biogeochemistry off Peru towards the end of the Little Ice Age. Biogeosciences, 6, 835 - 848.
  • Jahncke, J., Checkley, D. and Hunt, G. (2004). Trends in carbon flux to seabirds in the Peruvian upwelling system: effects of wind and fisheries on population regulation. Fish. Oceanogr. 13:3, 208–223.
  • Jin F., (1997). An equatorial ocean recharge paradigm for ENSO. Part I: conceptual model. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences. 54(7), 811-829.
  • Majluf, P. and Reyes, J. (1989). The marine mammals of Peru: a review, p. 344-363. In D. Pauly, P. Muck, J. Mendo and I. Tsukayama (Eds.). The Peruvian upwelling ecosystem: dynamics and interactions. ICLARM Conference proceedings 18, 438p.
  • Márquez, J. and Arias-Schereiber, M. (2001). Avistamiento de cetáceos en el Mar Peruano y su relación con algunos parámetros oceanográficos en mayo 2000. Informe Instituto del Mar del Perú. Nº 163, 19-24, Octubre 2001.
  • Márquez, J., Yataco, G., Alza, L. and van Oordt, F. (2007). Changes in population size and distribution of the fur seal Arctocephalus australis, and sea lion Otaria flavescens, off Peru, from 1971-2006. Humboldt Current System International Conference proceedings.
  • Marzloff, M. Y.-J. Shin, J. Tam, M. Travers, A. Bertrand. (2009). Trophic structure of the Peruvian marine ecosystem in 2000–2006: Insights on the effects of management scenarios for the hake fishery using the IBM trophic model Osmose. J. Mar. Syst. 75:290-304.
  • Morón, O., Vásquez, L. and Tello, E. Variabilidad de la extensión sur de la Corriente de Cromwell (ESCC) en la costa del Perú, p. 29-34. Proceedings del Forum: La Merluza Peruana (Merluccius gayi peruanus), Biología y Pesquería. 120p.
  • Muck, P. and Pauly, D. (1987). Monthly anchoveta consumption of guano birds, 1953 to 1982*, p. 219-233. In D. Pauly, and I. Tsukayama (Eds.). The Peruvian upwelling ecosystem: three decades of change. ICLARM Conference proceedings 15, 351p.
  • Muck, P. and Fuentes, H. (1987). Sea Lion and Fur Seal predation on the Peruvian anchoveta, 1953 to 1982*, p. 234-247. . In D. Pauly, and I. Tsukayama (Eds.). The Peruvian upwelling ecosystem: three decades of change. ICLARM Conference proceedings 15, 351p.
  • Pennington, T., Mahoney, K., Kuwahara, V. Kolber, D. Calienes, R. and Chavez, F. (2006). Primary production in the eastern tropical Pacific: A review. Progress in Oceanography 69, 285–317.
  • Penven, P.; Echevin, V.; Pasapera, J.; Colas, F.; Tam, J. (2005). Average circulation, seasonal cycle, and mesoscale dynamics of the Peru Current System: A modeling approach. J. Geophys. Res., Vol. 110, No. C10, C10021. 10.1029/2005JC002945.
  • Perea, A., Peña, C., Oliveros–Ramos, R., Buitrón, B., and Mori, J. (2011). Potential egg production, recruitment, and closed fishing season of the Peruvian anchovy (Engraulis ringens): Implications for fisheries management. Ciencias Marinas, 37, 585-601.
  • Salvatteci, R. 2013. Multi-decadal to millennial scale variability in Oxygen Minimum Zone intensity, export production and pelagic fish abundances from marine laminated sediments off Pisco, Peru during the last 25 000 years. PhD Thesis University Pierre and Marie Curie, Paris, France.
  • Samame, M., Castillo, J. and Mendieta, A. (1985). Situación de las Pesquerías Demersales y los Cambios durante “El Niño”, p. 153-158. In: Arntz, W., Landa, A. and Tarazona, J. (Eds.). El Niño: su impacto en la fauna marina. Bol. Inst. Mar. Perú. Vol. Extraordinario. 222p.
  • Soto, K., Trites, A. and Arias-Schreiber, M. (2004). The effects of prey availability on pup mortality and the timing of birth of South American sea lions (Otaria flavescens) in Peru. J. Zool., Lond. 264, 419–428.
  • Soto, K., Trites, A. and Arias-Schreiber, M. (2006). Changes in diet and maternal attendance of South American sea lions indicate changes in the marine environment and prey abundance. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 312: 277–290.
  • Suarez, M. and Schopf, P. (1988). A Delayed Action Oscillator for ENSO. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences. 45(21), 3283–3287.
  • Swartzman, G., Bertrand, A., Gutiérrez, M., Bertrand, S. and Vasquez, L., 2008. The relationship of anchovy and sardine to water masses in the Peruvian Humboldt Current System from 1983-2005. Progress in Oceanography, 79:228-237.
  • Tam, J., M.H. Taylor, V.Blaskovic, P.Espinoza, R.M. Ballón, E. Díaz, C. Wosnitza-Mendo, J. Argüelles, S. Purca, P. Ayón, L. Quipuzcoa, D. Gutiérrez, E. Goya, N. Ochoa, M. Wolff. (2008). Trophic modeling of the Northern Humboldt Current Ecosystem, Part I: Comparing trophic linkages under La Niña and El Niño conditions. Progress in Oceanogr. 79:352-365.
  • Taylor, M.H., J. Tam, V. Blaskovic, P. Espinoza, R. M. Ballón, C. Wosnitza-Mendo, J. Argüelles, E. Díaz, S. Purca, N. Ochoa, P. Ayón, E. Goya, D. Gutiérrez, L. Quipuzcoa, M. Wolff. (2008). Trophic modeling of the Northern Humboldt Current Ecosystem, Part II: Elucidating ecosystem dynamics from 1995 to 2004 with a focus on the impact of ENSO. Progress in Oceanogr. 79:366-378.
  • Tovar, H., Guillen, V. and Nakama, M. (1987). Monthly population size of three guano bird species off Peru, 1953 to 1982, p. 208-218. In D. Pauly, and I. Tsukayama (Eds.). The Peruvian upwelling ecosystem: three decades of change. ICLARM Conference proceedings 15, 351p.
  • Valdivia, G. (1978). The anchoveta and El Niño. Rapports et Procès-verbaux des Réunions du Conseil international pour l’Exploration de la Mer, 173: 196-202.
  • Valdivia, E. and Arntz, W. (1985). Cambios en los recursos costeros y su incidencia en la Pesquería Artesanal durante El Niño 1982-1983, p. 144-152. In: Arntz, W., Landa, A. and Tarazona, J. (Eds.). El Niño: su impacto en la fauna marina. Bol. Inst. Mar. Perú. Vol. Extraordinario. 222p.
  • Wang, Ch. (2001). A Unified Oscillator Model for the El Niño–Southern Oscillation. Journal of Climate. 14(1), 98–115.
  • Wolff, M., Wosnitza-Mendo, C. and Mendo, J. (2003). The Humboldt Current - Trends in exploitation, protection and research, p. 279-309. In: Hempel, G. and Sherman, K. (Eds.) Large Marine Ecosystems of the World - Trends in Exploitation, Protection and Research. Elsevier Science. 440p.
  • Wosnitza-Mendo, C., Guevara-Carrasco, R. and Ballón, M. (2004). Causas posibles de la drástica disminución de la longitud media de la merluza peruana en 1992. Bol. Inst. Mar. Perú. Vol. 21, N° 1 y 2. 1-26.
  • Zuta, S. and Guillen, O. (1970). Oceanografía de las aguas costeras del Perú. Bol. Inst. Mar. Perú. Vol. 2, N° 5. 157-324.
  • Zuzunaga, J. (1985). Cambios del equilibrio poblacional entre la anchoveta (Engraulis ringens) y la sardina (Sardinops sagax) en el sistema de afloramiento frente al Perú, p. 107-117. In: Arntz, W., Landa, A. and Tarazona, J. (Eds.). El Niño: su impacto en la fauna marina. Bol. Inst. Mar. Perú. Vol. Extraordinario. 222p.